Autor (i): Levnawi AYED
JEL: F02, I2, O32.
Cuvinte cheie: SBM model, Israel, education system, globalization.
The trend era of globalization and networks is pushing individuals, organizations, societies and companies to survive fast changes of this trend and its' consequences. The main theme is the ability of passing and flowing this transformation trend that being less expensive and more productively efficient by meeting the global market requirements, via conducting self-changes based self-management and self-economic mobility whose match globalization spirit. There is a deep relationship between education and economics, namely there is no adopt that economy based-knowledge system of a globalized economy, and knowledge-based economy behavior and values are the major tool of easily jump on survival boat to flow with the transformation of the new-age of globalization. The aim of the research is to evaluate and analyze the SBM model as an integration model of economic-educational testing, by conducting a comparative examining of traditional schools (NSBM) and schools based management (SBM), via exploiting various methods of management analysis, comparative descriptive data of schools numeric outcomes; and comparative descriptive data of schools survey outcomes, according to school management type.
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